Providing new meaning to the patient's PI phantasies is a goal for some Kleinians. Through analysis and verbalization of the patient's unconscious phantasy, a new meaning is constructed for the patient to internalize. Malin and Grotstein (1966) point out the importance of PI receptivity in the analyst. The ability to receive the projections and then modify them for the patient is crucial for a successful working-through process. The patient hopes that the analyst can handle their ejected psychic material without being destroyed. Sometimes this hope collapses into dread and the patient feels alone with an overwhelmed object. The principal manner in which the patient feels the analyst has survived the ego's deposit of material is through the nature of the analyst's interpretation. Therefore, Malin and Grotstein emphasize the therapeutic value and the necessity for direct interpretation of PI. They write:
correct interpretations can be seen as an important way in which the patient can observe how his projections have been received and acknowledged by the analyst. If this does not take place the patient is left with futility, despair, and doubt…
(Malin and Grostein 1966:29)
These authors state the importance of understanding what can appear to be a negative therapeutic reaction, especially with more disturbed patients. They describe the patient's need to preserve the analyst as a good object by maintaining distance from him. By not being close to the analyst, the patient prevents the projection of bad objects into the analyst and thus the risk of destroying him and their only hope for survival. However, the same patient may keep their distance if they feel they have already contaminated the analyst by projecting bad objects into him.
Malin and Grotstein provide a case study in which the patient felt the analyst was rigid, hard to please, and snotty. This was a projection of a father identification. At other times, the patient felt the analyst was insincere and martyr-like. This was a projection of a mother identification. Malin and Grotstein write:
the projections were accepted by the analyst for their psychic validity, and then interpreted as his need to put bad parts of himself…into the analyst in order to rid his ego of these bad contents… Not only was he repeating with the analyst what he had experienced with his father and mother, but he was also taking possession, in fantasy, of the analyst from within to guarantee total possession of the object… Without this guarantee, as it were, there existed no relationship for him.
(Malin and Grotstein 1966:30)
The authors go on to describe how the patient needed to not only own the analyst to prevent the loss of the relationship but that he felt his love was bad and would be rejected as well. Therefore, he related to the object with his "bad" self in order to protect the object from the bad loving aspects of himself. Also, he was excited if he felt he hurt the object in this way. If the analyst was hurt, the patient felt he had an effect on another person, thus confirming his existence. This also gratified his intense envy of the analyst's strength.
Grotstein explain their technical approach and its results: 格罗斯坦对他们的技术方法及其结果进行了解释:
consistent interpretations of all of these mechanisms wherever they occurred considerably lessened the negative transference, and the patient was subsequently able to recognize that he was warding off his deep feelings of dependency on the analyst. Changes occurred by virtue of analyzing the projections rather than by the analyst's unconsciously or consciously responding as if they were objectively valid. In other words, it was a new experience for the patient which allowed him to integrate the previously projected parts, now reintegrated into the ego, so that a higher level of functioning could occur.
(Malin and Grostein 1966:30)
One aspect of this approach is to show the patient a new take on an old belief. This is done by the analyst not acting out the PI phantasy with the patient and instead interpreting the patient's self-object conflicts. In this way, there is a new experience of self and object.
I think this is accurate and a vital part of analytic technique. At the same time, I think all analysts need to not idealize this transformative function and realize that it is very common to, at first, act out the PI, then understand it, and then interpret it for the patient. In that sense, we often become part of a living, here-and-now transformation of self and object within the intrapsychic and interpersonal world of the transference-countertransference.
In a rather extreme case example, David Rosenfeld (1992) shows his technical style with PI. He writes of a patient who burst into a staff meeting at the hospital. The patient told Rosenfeld that he hated him and was going to kill him because he resembled the patient's father. He said he would then kill everyone else in the room. Rosenfeld states:
I told him he wanted to kill a crazy part inside his head and a crazy father inside him, that he projected this and wanted to see it in me, instead of seeing it inside his head. He replied that he was going to kill all the social workers and psychologists. Then I told him that he scattered onto everyone what was going on in his head and that he wanted to get rid of that crazy Samuel by seeing him in me and then in the people there, but that what he wanted to see outside and kill was what was crazy in him… I insisted that he wanted to kill his own crazy part and we wanted to help him be cured by means of words, that there was no need to kill.
(Rosenfeld 1992:20)
Rosenfeld was direct with the patient about what he felt was being projected and the motivations behind those actions. In doing so, he transformed the intrapsychic meaning of this patient's angry and scary phantasies.
Part of this direct interpretation and transformation was the converting of a dangerous projection back into an internalization of bad objects. With a patient as disturbed as this and wanting so desperately to get rid of the toxic internal objects, that sort of interpretation would need to be repeated many times over, from many different avenues. Such a patient would undoubtedly resist and reject the interpretation much of the time, with the analyst needing to follow up with more understanding and discussion.
In 1983, Herbert Rosenfeld mentions the importance of being careful in interpreting to overly anxious patients as they may take the interpretation in as yet another persecutory object. While he suggests using a minimum of verbal interventions in these types of situations, he still feels that direct interpretation of PI is essential to successful technique. He describes how in one form of PI, the patient believes he has forced himself omnipotently into the analyst, creating anxieties about loss of self. The patient then fears the analyst will control his mind and drive him mad. This pushes the patient to attack back and fight for his life. Rosenfeld writes:
it is then, of course, essential to establish with the patient that he is afraid he has forced the mad parts of his self into the therapist and that he is now terrified that the analyst will retaliate and force the madness back into him and, as a punishment, entirely deprive him of his sanity.
(Rosenfeld 1983:263)
I find it fascinating that looking back on David Rosenfeld's case of the patient wanting to kill the staff, one would see the patient potentially taking Rosenfeld's interpretation in this persecutory manner.
Later in the paper, Herbert Rosenfeld discusses a patient who brought in a dream of a starving baby and a starving mother. After telling the dream, she realized she never knew whether she was devouring others or being devoured by others. She then felt intense pressure on her head and felt like bursting. Rosenfeld writes: "I interpreted that she felt that she wanted to project the starving, demanding mother into me to get some relief" (1983:265). This illustrates his goal of putting the patient's phantasy into words and then describes to the patient the motivation and subsequent results of his phantasies. The desires, the anxieties, and the outcome of the PI phantasy are articulated to the patient. The analyst then waits to hear the next association. By showing the patient the details of their core unconscious beliefs, it provides room for them to generate new meaning, within the context of the transference. Transformation of the old PI process allows room for new, more integrated object relations.
摘自《临床中的投射性认同》( "projective identification inthe clinical setting" by Robert Waska)
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