Hate in the Counter-Transference 反移情中的恨by D. W. Winnicott 温尼科特
1949). International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 30:69-74
Hate in the Counter-Transference
D. W. Winnicott
The Motive imputed to the Analyst by the Patient 病人把动机转嫁给分析师
Illustration of Counter-Transference Anxiety 反移情焦虑的说明
Postponement of Interpretation延迟解释
Objective Hate Under Test 试验阶段客观的恨
A Mother's Love and Hate 一个母亲的爱与恨
Practical Problem of Interpretation 关于解释的实际问题
In this paper I wish to examine one aspect of the whole subject of ambivalency,namely, hate in the counter-transference. I believe that the task of theanalyst (call him a research analyst) who undertakes the analysis of apsychotic is seriously weighted by this phenomenon, and that analysis ofpsychotics becomes impossible unless the analyst's own hate is extremely wellsorted-out and conscious. This is tantamount to saying that an analyst needs tobe himself analysed, but it also asserts that the analysis of a psychotic isirksome as compared with that of a neurotic, and inherently so.
Apart from psycho-analytic treatment, the management of a psychotic is bound tobe irksome. From time to time I have made acutely critical remarks about themodern trends in psychiatry, with the too easy electric shocks and the toodrastic leucotomies. Because of these criticisms that I have expressed I wouldlike to be foremost in recognition of the extreme difficulty inherent in thetask of the psychiatrist, and of the mental nurse in particular. Insanepatients must always be a heavy emotional burden on those who care for them.One can forgive those who do this work if they do awful things. This does notmean, however, that we have to accept whatever is done by psychiatrists andneuro-surgeons as sound according to principles of science.
Therefore although what follows is about psycho-analysis, it really has valueto the psychiatrist, even to one whose work does not in any way take him intothe analytic type of relationship to patients.
To help the general psychiatrist the psycho-analyst must not only study for himthe primitive stages of the emotional development of the ill individual, butalso must study the nature of the emotional burden which the psychiatrist bearsin doing his work. What we as analysts call the counter-transference needs tobe understood by the psychiatrist too. However much he loves his patients hecannot avoid hating them, and fearing them, and the better he knows this theless will hate and fear be the motive determining what he does to his patients.
One could classify counter-transference phenomena thus:
1. Abnormality in counter-transference feelings, and set relationships andidentifications that are under repression in the analyst. The comment on thisis that the analyst needs more analysis, and we believe this is less of anissue among psycho-analysts than among psychotherapists in general.
2. The identifications and tendencies belonging to an analyst's personalexperiences and personal development which provide the positive setting for hisanalytic work and make his work different in quality from that of any otheranalyst.
3. From these two I distinguish the truly objective counter-transference, or ifthis is difficult, the analyst's love and hate in reaction to the actualpersonality and behaviour of the patient, based on objective observation.
I suggest that if an analyst is to analyse psychotics or anti-socials he mustbe able to be so thoroughly aware of the counter-transference that he can sortout and study his objective reactions to the patient. These will include hate.Counter-transference phenomena will at times be the important things in theanalysis.
The Motive imputed to the Analyst by the Patient
I wish to suggest that the patient can only appreciate in the analyst what hehimself is capable of feeling. In the matter of motive; the obsessional willtend to be thinking of the analyst as doing his work in a futile obsessionalway. A hypo-manic patient who is incapable of being depressed, except in asevere mood swing, and in whose emotional development the depressive positionhas not been securely won, who cannot feel guilt in a deep way, or a sense ofconcern or responsibility, is unable to see the analyst's work as an attempt onthe part of the analyst to make reparation in respect of his own (theanalyst's) guilt feelings. A neurotic patient tends to see the analyst asambivalent towards the patient, and to expect the analyst to show a splittingof love and hate; this patient, when in luck, gets the love, because someoneelse is getting the analyst's hate. Would it not follow that if a psychotic isin a 'coincident love-hate' state of feeling he experiences a deep convictionthat the analyst is also only capable of the same crude and dangerous state ofcoincident love-hate relationship? Should the analyst show love he will surely atthe same moment kill the patient.
This coincidence of love and hate is something that characteristically recursin the analysis of psychotics, giving rise to problems of management which caneasily take the analyst beyond his resources. This coincidence of love and hateto which I am referring is something which is distinct from the aggressivecomponent complicating the primitive love impulse and implies that in thehistory of the patient there was an environmental failure at the time of thefirst object-finding instinctual impulses.
If the analyst is going to have crude feelings imputed to him he is bestforewarned and so forearmed, for he must tolerate being placed in thatposition. Above all he must not deny hate that really exists in himself. Hatethat is justified in the present setting has to be sorted out and kept instorage and available for eventual interpretation.
If we are to become able to be the analysts of psychotic patients we must havereached down to very primitive things in ourselves, and this is but anotherexample of the fact that the answer to many obscure problems of psycho-analyticpractice lies in further analysis of the analyst. (Psycho-analytic research isperhaps always to some extent an attempt on the part of an analyst to carry thework of his own analysis further than the point to which his own analyst couldget him.)
A main task of the analyst of any patient is to maintain objectivity in regardto all that the patient brings, and a special case of this is the analyst'sneed to be able to hate the patient objectively.
Are there not many situations in our ordinary analytic work in which theanalyst's hate is justified? A patient of mine, a very bad obsessional, wasalmost loathsome to me for some years. I felt bad about this until the analysisturned a corner and the patient became lovable, and then I realized that hisunlikeableness had been an active symptom, unconsciously determined. It wasindeed a wonderful day for me (much later on) when I could actually tell thepatient that I and his friends had felt repelled by him, but that he had beentoo ill for us to let him know. This was also an important day for him, atremendous advance in his adjustment to reality.
In the ordinary analysis the analyst has no difficulty with the management ofhis own hate. This hate remains latent. The main thing, of course, is thatthrough his own analysis he has become free from vast reservoirs of unconscioushate belonging to the past and to inner conflicts. There are other reasons whyhate remains unexpressed and even unfelt as such:
1. Analysis is my chosen job, the way I feel I will best deal with my ownguilt, the way I can express myself in a constructive way.
2. I get paid, or I am in training to gain a place in society bypsycho-analytic work.
3. I am discovering things.
4. I get immediate rewards through identification with the patient, who ismak-ing progress, and I can see still greater rewards some way ahead, after theend of the treatment.
5. Moreover, as an analyst I have ways of expressing hate. Hate is expressed bythe existence of the end of the 'hour'.
I think this is true even when there is no difficulty whatever, and when thepatient is pleased to go. In many analyses these things can be taken forgranted, so that they are scarcely mentioned, and the analytic work is donethrough verbal interpretations of the patient's emerging unconscioustransference. The analyst takes over the role of one or other of the helpfulfigures of the patient's childhood. He cashes in on the success of those whodid the dirty work when the patient was an infant.
These things are part。 of thedescription of ordinary psycho-analytic work, which is mostly concerned withpatients whose symptoms have a neurotic quality.
In the analysis of psychotics, however, quite a different type and degree ofstrain is take by the analyst, and it is precisely this different strain that Iam trying to describe.
Illustration of Counter-Transference Anxiety
Recently for a period of a few days I found I was doing bad work. I mademistakes in respect of each one of my patients. The difficulty was in myselfand it was partly personal but chiefly associated with a climax that I hadreached in my relation to one particular psychotic (research) patient. Thedifficulty cleared up when I had what is sometimes called a 'healing' dream.(Incidentally I would add that during my analysis and in the years since theend of my analysis I have had a long series of these healing dreams which,although in many cases unpleasant, have each one of them marked my arrival at anew stage in emotional development.)
On this particular occasion I was aware of the meaning of the dream as I wokeor even before I woke. The dream had two phases. In the first I was in the godsin a theatre and looking down on the people a long way below in the stalls. Ifelt severe anxiety as if I might lose a limb. This was associated with thefeeling I have had at the top of the Eiffel Tower that if I put my hand overthe edge it would fall off on to the ground below. This would be ordinarycastration anxiety.
In the next phase of the dream I was aware that the people in the stalls werewatching a play and I was now related to what was going on on the stage throughthem. A new kind of anxiety now developed. What I knew was that I had no rightside of my body at all. This was not a castration dream. It was a sense of nothaving that part of the body.
As I woke I was aware of having understood at a very deep level what was mydifficulty at that particular time. The first part of the dream represented theordinary anxieties that might develop in respect of unconscious fantasies of myneurotic patients. I would be in danger of losing my hand or my fingers ifthese patients should become interested in them. With this kind of anxiety Iwas familiar, and it was comparatively tolerable.
The second part of the dream, however, referred to my relation to the psychoticpatient. This patient was requiring of me that I should have no relation to herbody at all, not even an imaginative one; there was no body that she recognizedas hers and if she existed at all she could only feel herself to be a mind. Anyreference to her body produced paranoid anxieties because to claim that she hada body was to persecute her. What she needed of me was that I should have onlya mind speaking to her mind. At the culmination of my difficulties on theevening before the dream I had become irritated and had said that what she wasneeding of me was little better than hair-splitting.
This had had a disastrous effect and it took many weeks for the analysisto recover from my lapse. The essential thing, however, was that I shouldunderstand my own anxiety and this was represented in the dream by the absenceof the right side of my body when I tried to get into relation to the play thatthe people in the stalls were watching.
This right side of my body was the side related to this particularpatient and was therefore affected by her need to deny absolutely even animaginative relationship of our bodies. This denial was producing in me thispsychotic type of anxiety, much less tolerable than ordinary castrationanxiety.
Whatever other interpretations might be made in respect of this dream theresult of my having dreamed it and remembered it was that I was able to take upthis analysis again and even to heal the harm done to it by my irritabilitywhich had its origin in a reactive anxiety of a quality that was appropriate tomy contact with a patient with no body.
Postponement of Interpretation延迟解释
The analyst must be prepared to bear strain without expecting the patient toknow anything about what he is doing, perhaps over a long period of time. To dothis he must be easily aware of his own fear and hate. He is in the position ofthe mother of an infant unborn or newly born. Eventually, he ought to be ableto tell his patient what he has been through on the patient's behalf, but ananalysis may never get as far as this. There may be too little good experience inthe patient's past to work on. What if there be no satisfactory relationship ofearly infancy for the analyst to exploit in the transference?
There is a vast difference between those patients who have had satisfactoryearly experiences which can be discovered in the transference, and those whosevery early experiences have been so deficient or distorted that the analyst hasto be the first in the patient's life to supply certain environmentalessentials. In the treatment of the patient of the latter kind all sorts ofthings in analytic technique become vitally important that can be taken forgranted in the treatment of patients of the former type.
I asked an analyst who confines his attention to neurotics whether he doesanalysis in the dark, and he said, 'Why, no! Surely our job is to provide anordinary environment, and the dark would be extraordinary.' He was surprised atmy question. He was orientated towards analysis of neurotics. But thisprovision and maintenance of an ordinary environment can be in itself a vitallyimportant thing in the analysis of a psychotic, in fact it can be, at times,even more important than the verbal interpretations which also have to begiven. For the neurotic the couch and warmth and comfort can be symbolical ofthe mother's love; for the psychotic it would be more true to say that thesethings are the analyst's physical expression of love. The couch is theanalyst's lap or womb, and the warmth is the live warmth of the analyst's body.And so on.
Objective Hate Under Test
There is, I hope, a progression in my statement of my subject. The analyst'shate is ordinarily latent and is easily kept latent. In analysis of psychoticsthe analyst is under greater strain to keep his hate latent, and he can only dothis by being thoroughly aware of it. Now I want to add that in certain stagesof certain analyses the analyst's hate is actually sought by the patient, andwhat is then needed is hate that is objective. If the patient seeks objectiveor justified hate he must be able to reach it, else he cannot feel he can reachobjective love.
It is perhaps relevant here to cite the case of the child of the broken home,or the child without parents. Such a child spends his time unconsciouslylooking for his parents. It is notoriously inadequate to take such a child intoone's home and to love him. What happens is that after a while a child soadopted gains hope, and then he starts to test out the environment he hasfound, and to seek proof of his guardians' ability to hate objectively. Itseems that he can believe in being loved only after reaching being hated.
During the second world war a boy of nine came to a hostel for evacuatedchildren, sent from
I was not very surprised when he turned up in the police station very near myhome. This was one of the few police stations that did not know him intimately.My wife very generously took him in and kept him for three months, three monthsof hell. He was the most lovable and most maddening of children, often starkstaring mad. But fortunately we knew what to expect. We dealt with the firstphase by giving him complete freedom and a shilling whenever he went out.当我在离我家很近的的警察局找到他时,我并没有感到很惊讶,这是那些不多的第一次收留他的警察局中的一个,我的妻子非常盛情地把他带回了家让他在我家待了三个月,这三个月是痛苦的,他是一个很惹人爱但同时又是那种让人很容易恼怒的那种孩子,经常是完全发狂的,但幸运地是,我们知道该怎么来做,在第一个阶段,我们给予他完全的自由,并且在他每次要离家出走的时候就给他一些钱。
He had only to ring up and we fetched him from whatever police station hadtaken charge of him.Soon the expected change-over occurred, the truancy symptomturned round, and the boystarted dramatizing the assault on the inside. It wasreally a whole-time job for the two of us together, and when I was out theworst episodes took place.
Interpretation had to be made at any minute of day or night, and often the onlysolution in a crisis was to make the correct interpretation, as if the boy werein analysis. It was the correct interpretation that he valued above everything.The important thing for the purpose of this paper is the way in which theevolution of the boy's personality engendered hate in me, and what I did aboutit.
Did I hit him? The answer is no, I never hit. But I should have had to havedone so if I had not known all about my hate and if I had not let him knowabout it too. At crises I would take him by bodily strength, and without angeror blame, and put him outside the front door, whatever the
weather or the time of day or night. There was a special bell he could ring,and he knew that if
he rang it he would be readmitted and no word said about the past. He used thisbell as soon as
he had recovered from his maniacal attack.
The important thing is that each time, just as I put him outside the door, Itold him something; I said that what had happened had made me hate him. Thiswas easy because it was so true.I think these words were important from thepoint of view of his progress, but they were mainly important in enabling me totolerate the situation without letting out, without losing my temper and everynow and again murdering him.
This boy's full story cannot be told here. He went to an Approved School. Hisdeeply rooted relation to us has remained one of the few stable things in hislife. This episode from ordinary life can be used to illustrate the generaltopic of hate justified in the present; this is to be distinguished from hatethat is only justified in another setting but which is tapped by some action ofa patient (child).
A Mother's Love and Hate 一个母亲的爱与恨
Out of all the complexity of the problem of hate and its roots I want to rescueone thing, because I believe it has an importance for the analyst of psychoticpatients. I suggest that the mother hates the baby before the baby hates themother, and before the baby can know his mother hates him.
Before developing this theme I want to refer to Freud's remarks. In Instinctsand their Vicissitudes (1915) (where he says so much that is original andilluminating about hate), Freud says: 'we might at a pinch say of an instinctthat it "loves" the objects after which it strives for purposes ofsatisfaction, but to say that it "hates" an object strikes us as odd,so we become aware that the attitudes of love and hate cannot be said tocharacterize the relation of instincts to their objects, but are reserved forthe relations of the ego as a whole to objects. ? This I feel is true andimportant. Does this not mean that the personality must be integrated before aninfant can be said to hate? However early integration may be achieved perhapsintegration occurs earliest at the height of excitement or rage here is atheoretical earlier stage in which whatever the infant does that hurts is not donein hate. I have used the word 'ruthless love' in describing this stage. Is thisacceptable? As the infant becomes able to feel a whole person, so does the wordhate develop meaning as a description of a certain group of his feelings.
The mother, however, hates her infant from the word go. I believe Freud thoughtit possible that a mother may under certain circumstances have only love forher boy baby; but we may doubt this. We know about a mother's love and weappreciate its reality and power. Let me give some of the reasons why a motherhates her baby, even a boy.
A. The baby is not her own (mental) conception.
B. The baby is not the one of childhood play, father's child, brother's child,etc.
C. The baby is not magically produced.
D. The baby is a danger to her body in pregnancy and at birth.
E. The baby is an interference with her private life, a challenge topreoccupation.
F. To a greater or lesser extent a mother feels that her own mother demands a baby,so that her baby is produced to placate her mother.
G. The baby hurts her nipples even by suckling, which is at first a chewingactivity.
H. He is ruthless, treats her as scum, an unpaid servant, a slave.
I. She has to love him, excretions and all, at any rate at the beginning, tillhe has doubts about himself.
J. He tries to hurt her, periodically bites her, all in love.
K. He shows disillusionment about her.
L. His excited love is cupboard love, so that having got what he wants hethrows her away like orange peel.
M. The baby at first must dominate, he must be protected from coincidences,life must unfold at the baby's rate and all this needs his mother's continuousand detailed study. For instance, she must not be anxious when holding him, etc.
N. At first he does not know at all what she does or what she sacrifices forhim. Especially he cannot allow for her hate.
O. He is suspicious, refuses her good food, and makes her doubt herself, buteats well with his aunt.
P. After an awful morning with him she goes out, and he smiles at a stranger,who says: 'Isn't he sweet!'
Q. If she fails him at the start she knows he will pay her out for ever.
R. He excites her but frustrates he mustn't eat him or trade in sex with him.
I think that in the analysis of psychotics, and in the ultimate stages of theanalysis, even of a normal person, the analyst must find himself in a positioncomparable to that of the mother of a new-born baby. When deeply regressed thepatient cannot identify with the analyst or appreciate his point of view anymore than the foetus or newly born infant can sympathize with the mother.
A mother has to be able to tolerate hating her baby without doing anythingabout it. She cannot express it to him. If, for fear of what she may do, shecannot hate appropriately when hurt by her child she must fall back onmasochism, and I think it is this that gives rise to the false theory of anatural masochism in women. The most remarkable thing about a mother is herability to be hurt so much by her baby and to hate so much without paying thechild out, and her ability to wait for rewards that may or may not come at alater date. Perhaps she is helped by some of the nursery rhymes she sings,which her baby enjoys but fortunately does not understand?
'Rockabye Baby, on the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
Down will come baby, cradle and all.'
I think of a mother (or father) playing with a small infant; the infantenjoying the play and not knowing that the parent is expressing hate in thewords, perhaps in birth symbolism. This is not a sentimental rhyme.Sentimentality is useless for parents, as it contains a denial of hate, andsentimentality in a mother is no good at all from the infant's point of view.
It seems to me doubtful whether a human child as he develops is capable oftolerating the full extent of his own hate in a sentimental environment. Heneeds hate to hate.
If this is true, a psychotic patient in analysis cannot be expected to toleratehis hate of the analyst unless the analyst can hate him.
Practical Problem of Interpretation
If all this is accepted there remains for discussion the question of theinterpretation of the analyst's hate to the patient. This is obviously a matterfraught with danger, and it needs the most careful timing. But I believe ananalysis is incomplete if even towards the end it has not been possible for theanalyst to tell the patient what he, the analyst, did unbeknown for the patientwhilst he was ill, in the early stages. Until the interpretation is made thepatient is kept to some extent in the position of infant, one who cannotunderstand what he owes to his mother.
An analyst has to display all the patience and tolerance and reliability of amother devoted to her infant, has to recognize the patient's wishes as needs,has to put aside other interests in order to be available and to be punctual,and objective, and has to seem to want to give what is really only givenbecause of the patient's needs.
There may be a long initial period in which the analyst's point of view cannotbe (even unconsciously) appreciated by the patient. Acknowledgment cannot beexpected because at the primitive root of the patient that is being looked forthere is no capacity for identification with the analyst, and certainly thepatient cannot see that the analyst's hate is often engendered by the verythings the patient does in his crude way of loving.
In the analysis (research analysis) or in ordinary management of the morepsychotic type of patient, a great strain is put on the analyst (psychiatrist,mental nurse) and it is important to study the ways in which anxiety ofpsychotic quality and also hate are produced in those who work with severelyill psychiatric patients. Only in this way can there be any hope of theavoidance of therapy that is adapted to the needs of the therapist rather thanto the needs of the patient.
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