1. Thework of Freud shows how it is that true guilt resides in the intention, inunconscious intention. Actual crime is not the cause of guilt-feeling; ratheris it the result of guilt – guilt that belongs to criminal intention. Onlylegal guilt refers to a crime; moral guilt refers to inner reality.弗洛伊德工作表明,真实的内疚感存在愿望,无意识的愿望里。事实的犯罪不是内疚感的原因,而是内疚感的结果——犯罪愿望中的内疚感,只有法律的内疚感与犯罪有关;道德内疚感与内在现实有关。
2. Inego – id terms the sense of the guilt is very little more than anxiety with aspecial quality, anxiety felt because of the conflict between love and hate. Guiltsense implies tolerance of ambivalence. It is not difficult to accept the closerelationship between guilt and the personal conflict that arises out ofcoincident loving and hating, but Freud was able to trace the conflict to itsroot and to show that the feelings are those associated with the instinctuallife. As is known, Freud found in analysis of adults (neurotic rather thanpsychotic) that regularly came back to the early childhood of the patient, tointolerable anxiety, and to the clash of love and hate.在自我——本我体系里,内疚感的数量不如焦虑出现的多,这种焦虑是由感受到的爱恨冲突导致的。内疚感即对(爱恨)矛盾的承受力。接受内疚感与爱恨冲突有密切关系并不难,但弗洛伊德却能够追溯到冲突的根源,而且能够表明这种感受是与本能有关。正如大家所知道的,弗洛伊德在对成人(神经症而不是精神病)的分析中发现,总是能回溯到病人的童年早期、不能承受的焦虑和爱恨的冲突上。
3. Inthe simplest possible terms of the Oedipus complex, a boy in health achieved arelationship with his mother in which instinct was involved and in which thedream contained an relationship with her. This led to the dream of the death ofthe father, which in turn led to the fear of the father and the fear that thefather would destroy the child’s instinctual potential. This is referred to asthe castration-complex. At the same time there was the boy’s love of the fatherand his respect for him. The boy’s conflict between that side of his naturewhich made him hate and want to harm his father, and the other side by which heloved him, involved the boy in sense of guilt. Guilt implied that the boy couldtolerate and hold the conflict, which is in fact an inherent conflict, one thatbelongs to healthy life.根据俄狄浦斯情结理论,小男孩健康地成长这样的阶段,他与母亲的关系包含有性的味道,并梦想着与妈妈相爱。于是他渴望父亲死亡,可反过来他又害怕父亲死也害怕父亲会破坏他的生殖器,这就是所谓的阉割情结。同时小孩又很爱很敬重他父亲。于是小孩陷入了冲突之中,一方面,他的本能方面使得他恨他父亲,伤害他父亲,而另一方面,他很爱他父亲,这让他感到很内疚。内疚在此时也就意味着小男孩要能够承受住这个冲突,事实上这是固有的冲突,健康的人都有。
4. Inthe over-simplification of the Oedipus complex, the boy introjected therespected and feared father, and therefore carried about with him controllingforces based on what the child perceived and felt about his father. Thisintrojected father – figure was highly subjective, and coloured by the child’sexperience with father – figures other than the actual father and by thecultural pattern of the family. A sense of guilt therefore implies that the egois coming to terms with the superego. Anxiety has matured into guilt.在过度简化的俄狄浦斯情结中,小男孩内化了他又敬又怕的父亲,因此对他父亲的看法和感受有所控制。这个内化的父亲——这个角色很主观,受他与父亲的经历所影响——不是他实际的父亲,与他们家庭文化模式有关。因此,内疚感意味着自我与超我的妥协。焦虑发展为内疚。
5. Herein the concept of the superego can be seen the proposition that the genesis ofguilt is a matter of inner reality, or that guilt resides in the intention.在超我概念中,可以看出:内疚感起源于内在现实,或者说内疚感存在于愿望之中。
6. Thuswe find ourselves studying guilt-sense in each individual infant and child asit develops from crude fear to something akin to a relationship to a reveredhuman being, one who can understand and forgive.如此我们发现正在盐焗的内疚感存在于每一个这样的婴儿和儿童那里,此时他们正处于从害怕与他们无关的事物到害怕他们敬重的人这个阶段,这个他们敬重的人能够理解和原谅。
7. Allthe time while conceptualizing the processes which underlie the sense of guiltwe are keeping in mind the fact that the sense of guilt, even when unconsciousand even when apparently irrational, implies a certain degree of emotionalgrowth, ego health, and hope.在对内疚感概念化的过程中,我们牢记这样的事实,即使当无意识的和明显非理性的情况下,内疚感,在某种意义上来说,是情感的成长,自我健康和希望。
8. Obsessivethinking may be a feature whereby every attempt is made to annul one idea byanother, but nothing succeeds. Behind the whole process is a confusion, and noamount of tidying that the patient can do alters this confusion, because it ismaintained; it is unconsciously maintained in order to hide something verysimply; namely, the fact that, in some specific setting of which the patient isunaware, hate is more powerful than love.强迫思维的特征也许是,总是尝试着用一种想法消除另一种想法,但总是徒劳无功。整个过程的背后是一种混淆,病人即使做再多的清洗也无法改变这种混淆,因为它是被保护着。很简单,无意识的保护就是为了隐藏某种东西;换句话说,在病人无法意识的某种规则里,恨比爱更强大。
9. Thesense of guilt, seen this way, is a special form of anxiety associated withambivalence, or coexisting in love and hate. But ambivalence and the tolerationof it by the individual imply a considerable degree of growth and health.以这种方式来看,内疚感是一种特殊焦虑,这种焦虑与矛盾或爱恨共存的状态有关。但是矛盾和个体对矛盾的承受意味着很大的成长,很健康。
10. Itshould be noted that whereas the earlier work of psycho-analysis dwelt on theconflict between love and hate, especially in the three – body or triangularsituation, Melanie Klein more especially has developed the idea of the conflictin the simple two-body relationship of the infant to the mother, conflictarising out of the destructive ideas that accompany the love impulse. Naturally,the date of the original version of this stage in an individual’s developmentsis earlier than the date of the Oedipus complex.需要指出的是,精神分析早期的工作主要集中在爱恨冲突上,尤其是三人情境下,克莱因把精神分析的理论发展到母婴二人关系的冲突上,这种冲突产生于伴有爱的冲动的破坏观念里。顺利成章地,这个阶段的产生时期也早于俄狄浦斯期。
11. Theaccent changes. In previous work the accent was on the satisfaction that theinfant obtained from instinct experience. Now the accent shifts on to the aim,as it gradually appears. When Mrs Klein says that the infant aims at breakingruthlessly through into the mother to take out of her everything that is feltto be good, she is not of course denying the simple fact that instinctualexperiences yield satisfaction. Nor was the aim altogether neglected in theearlier psycho-analytic formulations. Klein has developed the idea, however,that the primitive love impulse has an aggressive aim; being ruthless, itcarries with it a variable quantity of destructive ideas unaffected by concern.These ideas may be very restricted at the beginning, but the infant we arewatching and caring for the need not be many months old before we can be fairlycertain that we can perceive also the beginning of concern-concern as to theresults of the instinctual moments that belong to the developing love of themother. If the mother behaves in that highly adaptive way which may comenaturally to her, she is able to give plenty of time for the infant to come toterms with the fact that the object of the ruthless attack is the mother, thesame person who is responsible of the total infant-care situation. It can beseen that the infant has two concerns; one as to the effect of the attack onthe mother, and the other as to the results in the infant’s own self accordingto whether there was a predominance of satisfaction or frustration and anger.(I have used the expression primitive love impulse, but in Klein’s writings thereference is to the aggression that is associated with the frustrations thatinevitably disturb instinctual satisfactions as the child begins to be affectedby the demands of reality.)重心发生了变化。早期的工作重心在于婴儿从本能体验中获得满足;现在重心转移到了另一个目的上,这个目的正在渐渐浮现出来。当克莱因女士说,婴儿的目的是残忍地攻破妈妈从她那里拿走一切婴儿觉得好的东西,她当然也不否认这样的事实本能体验产生满足。她也不会完全忽略早期精神分析的目的。然而,克莱因主张,原始爱的冲动拥有一个攻击的目的;由于残忍,它携带或多或少的破坏性观念,却不被爱所影响。这些观念也许在一开始就要受到限制,但我们所观察和照顾的几个月大婴儿却不必如此,在此之前,我们能够非常确定我们意识到那也是关心的开始——对本能满足时的关系也属于对妈妈的爱。如果妈妈很自然地表现出很高的适应性,她就能够给婴儿足够的时间接受这样的事实,残忍攻击的客体是妈妈,她也是负责照顾婴儿的人。由此可以看到婴儿有两种担忧,一个是对妈妈攻击的担忧,另一个担忧,关于婴儿自身的影响,这要根据她是获得满足或受挫及愤怒。(我使用的表达是原初爱的冲动,但在克莱因的著作里使用的是攻击,这种攻击伴随有儿童本能满足受到不可避免地干扰的挫折,因为儿童开始受到现实需要的影响。)
12. Whenwe speak of the origins of guilt-sense, we assume healthy development atearlier stages.
13. Theinfant’s need for opportunity to make reparation and restitution, if oralsadism is to be accepted by the immature ego, is the second contribution ofKlein to this field.婴儿需要机会修复和补偿,如果口腔施虐被不成熟的自我接受的话,这是克莱因在这领域的第二大贡献。
14. Weare able, however, to get a view in our work of this most important developmentin human individuals, the origin of the capacity for a sense of guilt. Graduallyas the infant finds out that the mother survives and accepts the restitutive gesture,so the infant becomes able to accept responsibility for the total fantasy ofthe full instinctual impulse that was previous ruthless.尽管在人类个体最重要的发展方面,即内疚感能力的起源方面,我们的工作得出了自己的看法,随着婴儿逐渐地发现妈妈还活着,并接受了补偿,婴儿会变得有能力对曾经残忍所有本能冲动的全部幻想负责任。
15. Thereis a benign circle of 1) instinctual experience, 2) acceptance ofresponsibility which is called guilt, 3) a working through, and 4) a truerestitutive gesture. This can be reversed into a malign circle if somethinggoes wrong at any point, in which case we see an undoing of the capacity for asense of guilt and its replacement by inhibition of instinct or some otherprimitive form of defence, such as the splitting of objects into good and bad,etc.婴儿获得内疚感能力的良性循环包括以下四个步骤:1)本能体验;2)接受内疚感,负起相关责任;3)修通;和4)真正地补偿。如果在任何一步骤上出现差错,这个循环也可以逆转为恶性循环,在这样的情况下,我们会丧失内疚感,并置换为对本能的节制或其他原始防御,比如客体分裂为好的坏的。
16. Inparticular she was enriched our understanding of the complex relationship betweenfantsy and Freud’s concepts of inner reality, a concept that was clearlyderived from philosophy. Klein has studied the interplay of what is felt by theinfant to be benign or malevolent in terms of forces or objects within theself. This third contribution that she was made in this particular fieldreaches towards the problem of the eternal struggle in man’s inner nature.尤其她(克莱因)丰富了我们对幻想和弗洛伊德的概念内在现实之间复杂关系的理解,内在现实这个概念取自于于哲学。克莱因研究了婴儿自我内部,关于客体或驱力方面的良性或恶性循环,的相互作用。这是克莱因在这个领域里第三大贡献,是关于人类内在永恒争斗问题的。
17. Frommy personal point of view, the work of Klein has enabled psycho-analytic theoryto begin to include the idea of an individual’s value, whereas in earlypsycho-analysis the statement was in terms of health and neurotic ill-health. Valueis intimately bound up with the capacity for guilt-feeling.从我私人的角度来看,克莱因的工作使得精神分析理论开始包含个体的价值观,对应早期精神分析的陈述健康和神经症。价值观与感受到内疚感的能力有着密切的关系。
18. Thatis that those who lack moral sense have lacked at the early stages of theirdevelopment the emotional and physical setting which would have enable acapacity for guilt-sense to have developed.也就是,那些缺乏道德感的人在他们情绪情感和生理发展的早期已经缺乏道德感,这个早期阶段本应该能够发展出内疚感的能力的。
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